Human rights work is about hope. Human rights are a radical vision of a more just and peaceful world that has not yet been, but toward which generations have struggled. The challenge of producing annual reports in the human rights field is that we are unable to produce historic change in yearly program cycles. As we present this year’s report, we see evidence of change in the persistence of individuals and communities, in the small ways their hope chips away at the heavy legacy of the past. Thank you for believing in us and in a world where every person counts and where justice and peace are possible. In gratitude and solidarity,

The Rev, Mike Angell

Board President

Financial Overview

2022 Cristosal 990

2021 Cristosal 990

2020 Cristosal 990

2019 Cristosal 990

2018 Cristosal 990

2017 Cristosal 990

Cristosal Audited Financials 2018

Cristosal Audited Financials 2016-2017

Cristosal is a 501 (c) (3) registered charity under the US Internal Revenue Service tax code. EIN: 03-0366224. 

Thank you for all your support!