Your generosity and commitment help defend human rights and promote democracy in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Your unwavering solidarity has driven change and continues to empower Central Americans, whose voices need to be heard and rights protected. We are thankful for the generous donors who contributed to Cristosal in 2023! We are stronger together.

We especially want to recognize the faithful support of those individuals and faith communities who have contributed for over ten years – your accompaniment makes us stronger – thank you!

2023 Supporters

“My experiences in ES have sparked my permanent dedication to not only gather financial support for the ongoing work of Cristosal in Central America, but to actualize this learning in my own domestic community”
- Gary Russell, St. Peter’s

Gifts made to Cristosal are tax-exempt to the extent permitted under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Cristosal’s tax identification number: 03-0366224.