Permanent Sparks 

For more than 10 years, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, in Phoenixville, PA has been partnering with us to promote justice and grow the human rights movement in Central America and their community. We are tremendously grateful for their faithful generosity and for walking with us in regular visits to El Salvador with the Global School. 

In conversation with Gary Russell and Cindy Hammaker, leads of St. Peter’s Cristosal committee, they shared a few stories and reasons on why and how we have stood firm in our partnership. 

Gary and Cindy both highlighted the importance of sharing time, in person with Cristosal. Whether it’s traveling to El Salvador or hosting Noah and other staff for the weekend in Phoenixville, there is a “permanent spark” ignited when people spend time in conversation with those working in the region. And for those who have been in El Salvador, that experience leaves an indelible mark.  




Gary recalls that after returning from a visit to El Salvador, he found himself seeing more clearly the obstacles that countless individuals face daily in his community. He tells the story of St.Peter’s food pantry and how he was initially curious about the lack of Latin American visitors despite the need for resources. Gary and the team called on a Central American friend to help them identify barriers that prevented people from accessing the food pantry. Inspired by this realization, the team reshaped the food pantry’s approach, ensuring that its offerings were accessible and inclusive.

For Cindy, her visits with the Global School served as a powerful reminder to her of the daily realities of many Salvadorans. The faces she meets and the stories she hears are not mere statistics or concepts; they are real people with experiences, struggles, and tremendous resilience.

Gary and Cindy shared that partnering with Cristosal and being present in Central America has provided them with a unique lens to converse with others about the complexities and challenges faced by local communities. This collaboration not only strengthens Cristosal’s impact but also serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of solidarity rooted in shared values. Working for human rights is part of their deep commitment to respect the dignity of all people and strive for justice in faithfulness to the baptismal covenant of the Episcopal church and, resonates with many in this partnership.

Being rooted in strength, courage and a vision forward comes from the generosity, shared values, and commitment of people and partners like St. Peter’s – thank you!

Many Thanks to St.Peter Phoenixville Supporters Through the Years

*We tried our best to share a complete list. If your name is not listed, but you supported us through St. Peter’s – please let us know!

John & Anne Andrews
Anne Atlee
Amy Atlee
Iris Blanche
Lynn Boukalik
John & Bev Burkhardt
Mona Chylack
Jim Dallas
Pegi Davidson
Katherine & Norman Delan
Judy Dougherty
James Evans
Kathryn Evans
Aimee & Vernon Feather
Peter & Liz Fifer
Marietta Fisher
Shawhan & Andrea Fox
Karen Green
Richard Greene

Victoria Greenover
Leo Guen
Kim & Asha Guiser
Gwynne Hagee
Mark & Cindy Hammaker
Dan Hammaker
Jim Hammaker
Sarah Hammaker
Lisa Hancock
Judi & Don Hans
Anne Holbrook
Chris & Diane Hope
Tom Huff
David Hyatt
Todd Jackson
Victor Jackson
Larry & Marcia Jilk
Monica Jacobs
Harland Johnson

Vincent Jouenne
Annete and Matt Kiernan
Eileen Klein
Mike & Halina LaPorta
Michael and Erica Logar
Koshy & Susan Mathews
Nancy McMonagle
Dana & Jerry Mullaney
Moira Mumma
Mike & Rosemarie O’Rourke
Joyce Paster
Alice Perrone
Muriel Rains
Dennis and Karen Reid
Frank& Caitlin Rothenberger
Andrew and Kajal Russell
Gary & Carol Russell
Sarah Schaefer
Carmine & Lisa Schiavone

Lisa Scott
Carol Smith
Kelly Smyth
Retta Sparano
Vernet Spence-Brown
Mari Stambaugh
Jim Tackett
Craig Tavani
Anne Thatcher
The Weirs
Annemarie Weissing
Mary Jo Wells
Jolie & Kent Wenger
Patrick & Jan Wier
Grant Williams
Jacque Wolfgang
Henry Young

Gifts made to Cristosal are tax-exempt to the extent permitted under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Cristosal’s tax identification number: 03-0366224.