We would like to acknowledge the donors who have made Tribute gifts in 2023 in honor or memory of a loved one.

Donor Name Tribute gift –                                                              In honor/memory of… 

Alison Pease and Jeff Staniels

In Appreciation of our Granddaughters, Elle and Rose


In honor of Salvador Humberto Segovia, who devoted his life to improving the lives of others.

Don and Wendy Callison

Robin Denney

Norman Beecher

Barbara Carl

Catherine Stevens 

Kathy Veit

The Chalifour Family

Gail and Steve Rolfe

Jackie Clark

Bron Soan founder of ACES

Sandra Clay

Maria Dawson

The Rev. Cn. Lee A. Crawford & Anne C. Brown

Bp Martin Barahona

Debra Delavan

Bette Hoover

Donald Delollis Trust

Noah Bullock

Anna and John Ellis

Scott Pentzer

Donna Fabiani

Chuck Call

Debby and David Hall

Parents – Helen, Dick, and Emily

Debby and David Hall


David Holiday

Chuck Call

Bonnie Howard

Donald F. Howard

Michael and Louise Kingston

Fr. Richard Bower

Dr. Barbara S Kirschner MD

Robert H Kirschner MD

Sarah Lawton and Dominic Chan

Kathy Veit and the Episcopal Church of Saint John the Evangelist, San Francisco

Jason Lewis-Berry

Chuck Call

Richard and Carolyn Lief

Oscar Romero

Donald Mann

Noah Bullock

Cate McMahon


Cate McMahon

Fr. Richard Bower

Sue Merrilees

Kathy Veit

Susan Messenger

Bp Martin Barahona

Courtney M. O’Connor

Chuck Call

Ellen and Jim O’Hara

Padre Ramiro Chavez & Bishop Martin Barahona

Craig Palmer and Allen Habel

Kathy Veit

Rona and Robert Parker

Linda and Geoff Curtiss

Theresa Patterson

Beth McFayden

Stephanie Paulsell

Diane Paulsell

Dr. Helen H. Reed

Dr. Cyrus B.H. Reed

Dianne J. Rhudy

Jan Hill

Patrick Riehlman

Brad Eickhoff

Victor Rivera

Charles Call

Susan Shepler

Chuck Call

Lara Stroud

Mike Angell

Tewksbury Congregational Church Ladies Aid Society

Beth McFayden

Dani Ushizima

In memory of Antonio Ushizima

Eric Veit

Kathy Veit

If you are interested in donating a tribute gift

Donating a Tribute Gift to honor the memory of someone special or to express gratitude for their life supports our core operations and mission of advancing human rights in Central America. If your honoree is connected to Cristosal, we’ll notify them about your gift. If you need clarification on whether we have their information, please include it with your donation, and we’ll notify them.

Gifts made to Cristosal are tax-exempt to the extent permitted under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Cristosal’s tax identification number: 03-0366224.