Dates: February 18-23, 2024 Cost: $1,250 Registration Deadline: January 10, 2024
*The Seminar Fee includes Lodging, transportation, three meals a day, coordination and logistics, interpretation and trip guide, speaker honorariums, and community activities.This does not include airfare. **Discounts are available for larger groups. ***An additional day can be added (for an extra cost) for tourist/cultural activities.
Indigenous population participating in Cristosal’s democratic dialogues.
Recent events have many of us concerned about the rise of authoritarianism and the role corruption has played in the weakening of democracies around the world. This seminar will examine these trends and look at possible responses using the current situation of Guatemala as a lens for learning. Guatemala’s struggle to confront corruption and recover democratic institutions are key components to improving the lives of the majority. How can human rights frameworks strengthen democracies and how can democracy pave the way for respect for human rights? How does corruption impede that process and what can communities do to resist? What can we learn from our shared experiences in different societies and cultures as we face these challenges?
How we learn
Engage directly with Cristosal’s work in Central America with expert input on key topics from speakers or presenters
Deepen our understanding of how democracy and human rights support each other
Apply a human rights approach to promoting social justice in our local context
Experience– all too briefly– the food, daily life, sites, and people of Guatemala