We are grateful for the steadfast support of those individuals and faith communities who have contributed in each of the past five consecutive years (names in bold) and those who count among our Monthly Sustainers (indicated by *). We also extend our gratitude to those of you who prefer to remain anonymous.
Faithful Supporters for 10+ years
The Rt. Rev. Skip and Bonnie Adams
The Rev. Michael and Bev Bullock
Lisa Caton
Beth Hershenhart and Amanda Hiller
Cate McMahon
The Rev. Perry and Doug Mouncey
Diane Paulsell
Gail and Steve Rolfe
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Phoenixville, PA (read more about St. Peter’s below)
Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton, NJ
Walter Rogers and Rebecca Livengood
Institutional Funders
American Jewish World Service Inc.
Arbeiter Wohlfahrt International E. V.
Avinas Americas Inc
Creative Associates Int’l
Evangelisches Werk Für Diakonie Und Entwicklung E. V. Fur Brot Für Die Welt
Inter-American Foundation
International Organization for Migrations
National Endowment for Democracy
National Philanthropic Trust
People In Need
Rainbow World Fund
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Spanish Agency of International Cooperation And Development
The Due Process of Law Foundation
The Ford Foundation
The Fund for Global Human Rights
The Primates World Relief and Development Fund
U.S. Department of State
Washington Office in Latin America
World Bank Group
Faith Communities
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Phoenixville, PA
All Saints Episcopal Church, Wolfeboro, NH
Bidwell Memorial Presbyterian Church, Chico, CA
Christ Episcopal Church & San Marcos, Tarrytown, NY
Church of the Good Shepherd, Acton, MA
Grace Episcopal Church, Alexandria, VA
Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, San Francisco, CA
St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Edgartown, MA
St. Cross Episcopal Church, Hermosa Beach, CA
St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kerrisdale, Vancouver, B.C
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Morristown, NJ
Tewksbury Congregational Church Ladies Aid Society
The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist, San Francisco, CA
The Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real
The Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ
Trinity Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, NY
Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton, NJ
Women of Trinity Church, Rutland, VT
Households & Family Foundations
The Rt. Rev. Skip & Bonnie Adams
Stephen Adams* Milbar Construction & Roofing Inc, Dreamhome Restoration LLC
Craig & Juliette Alciati*
Altagracia Alvarado
Carlos Alvarado
Santana Alvarado*
The Rev. Mike Angell & Ellis Anderson*
Paul G. Anderson
Debra & Richard Angell
Matthew Angier
Phyllis Annett*
Amy Atlee & Chris Goulian
Kevin Austin
Ren & Elisa Austing
Nina Bacas
Valerie Barone & Kimberly Powleson
Julie Beals
Elizabeth Beck*
Norman Beecher
Carole Bishop
Sarah Bishop
Thomas Boerman*
Margaret Bongiovanni
The Rev. Richard & Stephanie Bower
Samuel Bowles & Elisabeth Wood
Joanie Brooks
Nina Brooks
The Rev. Cn. Lee A. Crawford & Anne C. Brown
Christine & David Brown*
Mary Linda Brown
Clare Bullock*
The Rev. Michael & Beverly Bullock*
Noah Bullock*
Sally Cadigan
The Chuck Call Estate
Wes Callender & Pat Davis
Don & Wendy Callison
Jason Capron
Nancy Carteron
The Rev. Joshua Case*
Lisa Caton
Joyce Cejka
The Chalifour Family
John Chase
The Rev. Jac Cherry*
Christine Chin
Virginia & Allen Church
Jacquelyn Clark
Sandra Clay
John C. Cochrane
Mrs. Janell Colley & Mr. John Grabowski
Travis Collins
Kate Colwell*
Ann Coons
The Revs. Susan & David Copley*
Gary Cozette
Jose Miguel Cruz
The Rev. Geoff & Linda Curtiss
Eliza Davidson & Randolph Urmston
Lynne & Vanleer Davis
The Rev. Christine J Day
Debra Delavan
Anthony Delcourt
Dr. Donald & Rita Delollis
Audrey Denney
Kate Didonato
MaryAnn DiPinto & Nancy Rogers*
Timothy Dobbins*
John Dotson*
Wendy Eilers
Anna & John Ellis
The Rt Rev. Thomas & Ann Ely
Matthew Engleby
Donna Fabiani
Scott Ferguson*
Paul Fitch
Marguerite & Robert Fletcher
The Rev. Lisa Fortuna MD & Dr. Michelle Porche*
David Foushee*
Eric Frankhouser
Kevin George
Clare Gibson Nangle
Clarence Giles Jr.
The Rev. Jeff & Carolyn Gill*
Stephen Gillis*
Vicki Goralski
Rebecca Gordon & Jan Adams*
Amy Gottsfeld
Richard Gressle
Riley Grim*
John & Doralee Grindler Katonah
Kevin Gross
The Rev. Norma Guerra*
Dr. June Steffensen Hagen & The Rev. James B. Hagen
Rev. Caroline Hall*
Debby & David Hall
Miranda Cady Hallett
Doriana & Jeff Hammond
Carol Haraden PhD*
Fred Hartwick
Gretchen Hawk
Deborah & Daniel Hawkins
Aline & Bill Haynes
Ellen F. Heath
Dr. Kaia Heimarck & Chip Gibson
Steve & Joan Heller
The Rev. Kristin C. Hennig
Beth Hershenhart & Amanda Hiller
Howard & Jan Hill
The Rev. Sarah Hill
Trudi Holder
David Holiday
Bonnie Howard
Suzanne Howatt
Tom & Beth Huffer*
Juan Izaguirre
Dianne Johnson
Courtney Jones
Edith Jones
Lena Jones
Roger & Chrisy Jones
Barbara Kaighn*
Michael & Louise Kingston
Timothy & Jennifer Kingston
The Rev. B. Wayne Kinyon
Bryan Kirk*
Dr. Barbara S Kirschner MD
Jennifer & Andrew Kitt*
Jared Kotler
Maxine & Leo LaDouceur
W. Henry & Nancy Lambright
Ann & Grace Lane
Nancy Langhans
Sarah Lawton & Dominic Chan*
Elizabeth Leech & Steve Frazier
Carlene Lenard
Arlene Leslie*
Pat & Tony Levy
Robert Lewis*
Jason Lewis-Berry
J. Stoner Lichty, Jr.
Richard & Carolyn Lief
Tracey Lind & Emily Ingalls
Hector Lindo*
Howard Lipson & Trish Weyenberg
Molly Lizzio
Joseph Llanos
Jonathan Lloyd
Suzanne & Andrew Lowery
Karen & Michael Lyman
The Rt Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown*
Esther Maldonado
Michael Ray Mallory*
Donald Mann*
Marcia & Ken Manner
Robert Mannion*
John Marrin*
Joseph Edward Martinez
Colin Mathewson*
Treva & Balbir Mathur
Shannan Mattiace & Tom Nonnenmacher*
Beth & Jay McFadyen*
Lucas McFadyen
Patricia A. McGarvin*
Jane McGuire
Todd McKee*
Cate McMahon
Kathy Mcneely
Anne Mello
Cecilia Menjivar
Sue Merrilees
Virginia O. Merrill
Susan Messenger*
Jon Miles
Cristanne Miller
Meg Mitchell & Scott Pentzer*
Eduardo Moncada
Lynne Moughty
The Rev. Perry & Doug Mouncey
John & Jennifer Muhlner
Liz Murray*
Carol & David Myers
Adele F Negro
Craig & Sheryl Nelson
Hannah Nelson*
Susan P Nelson
Sam Nickels & Cindy Hunter
Matthew Paul Nickson
Ron Noah
Tatiana Obando*
Marlene O’Brien
Courtney M. O’Connor
Hannah & Alex Odell
Ellen & Jim O’Hara
Marcus Oliphant
Nick Opinsky
Lucia Ortiz
Tarrah & Jayson Palm*
Craig Palmer & Allen Habel*
Phillip M. Palmer
Jessie & Jonathan Panek
Rona & Robert Parker
Jane & Dave Patterson
Theresa Patterson
Ms. Diane Paulsell
Sally Paulsell
Stephanie Paulsell
Alison Pease & Jeff Staniels
Millie & W.T. Pease
Kelly Pentzer*
Brenda Pfahnl
Richard & Neva Pilgrim
Gordon D Potter
The Rev. Leigh Preston*
John Ramsey
Linnea & Andrew Rash*
Dr. Helen H. Reed
Jason Reed
Dr. Richard & Carol Reznichek
Dianne J. Rhudy
The Rt. Rev. Greg & Marti Rickel*
Patrick Riehlman
Shelley Rigger
Pamela W Rikkers
Kathy & Kevin Ringhofer
Ciel Rivas*
Victor Rivera
Walter Rogers & Rebecca Livengood
Gail & Steve Rolfe*
Eliacin Rosario-Cruz*
Catherine Ross
Ellen B Rowe
Dr. Rebecca Rugen & Dr. Philip Bayly
Lynn & Tom Rusch
Suzan Ryan
Kevin Rysted*
Irene Sanz
Anastasia Saturia
Margaret Schaeffer
Judy Schlichting
James Schofield
H. Denman Scott MD
Lisa & David Scott
Tom & Karen Scotti
The Rev. Beth Scriven*
Patricia Sexton*
Susan Shepler
Grant Showley
William Shullenberger*
Connie & Paul Sieracki
Eric Skivington
Karen Skold*
Carol Smith
Richard Smith*
Tom Perls & Leslie Smoot
Leigh & Michael Sneed
Catherine Stevens
Barbara Stewart
The Rev. Charles & Pam Stewart
Matthew & Heather Stone*
Anna Stracey-Jay
Lara Stroud
Gropel Swenson Family
Yew-Hoe Tan
Steven & Rebecca Taylor
The Rev. Andrew Terry
The Rev. Anne Thatcher*
Trisha Thorme
The Rev. Murray L. Trelease
Dani Ushizima
Beth Van Schaack & Brent Dennis Lang
Carol Vedder
Eric Veit
Kathy Veit & Heather Hadlock*
Scott Wallace
Laura Walta
Rosa & Donald Warnet*
The Rev. Wendy Watson
Larry Weiner
Lori & Richard Welch
Frances White
Jeannette Wild
Alex Wilde
Dianne & Grant Williams
Lisa Williams
The Rev. Bob Wilson*
David Wilson
Sharon Wilson & Van Bobbitt*
Dr. Peter & Christine Winkler
Dr. Dean Winslow & Dr. Julie Parsonnet
Jami Woods MD
The Rev. George F. Woodward
The Rev. Deacon Brian Wright
Alan Yarborough*
Deborah Yashar
John Yinger & Mary Lovely
Emily & Greg Young
Ann Zultner*
“My experiences in El Salvador have sparked my permanent dedication to not only gather financial support for the ongoing work of Cristosal in Central America, but to actualize this learning in my own domestic community” - Gary Russell, St. Peter’s
Gifts made to Cristosal are tax-exempt to the extent permitted under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Cristosal’s tax identification number: 03-0366224.