Cristosal continues to be vigilant in the face of threats to democracy in Guatemala

Bernardo Arévalo, a staunch anti-corruption advocate, was sworn in as Guatemala’s president early Monday morning after an inauguration day marked by chaos and protest. Opposition to his inauguration delayed the event for hours in the national congress, the latest in a series of attempts by opponents to obstruct the democratic process of his election. These actions are part of a growing trend to utilize state institutions to protect a political elite accused of corruption and impunity. 

These attempts have provoked mass demonstrations by the Guatemalan people highlighting the challenges Arévalo faces upon taking office, including meeting the Guatemalan people’s demands for him to deliver on his promises to fight corruption, defend human rights and increase social inclusion.

Cristosal continues to be vigilant in the face of threats to democracy and we join the call to reject any attempt to undermine democratic rule of law in the country. As an organization that promotes and defends human rights, we are committed to continue demanding respect for the integrity of the Guatemalan people and the exercise and respect for human rights.