Families of El Bajo Lempa await response to their complaints not attended by authorities

Cristosal continues to accompany the Committee of Relatives of Victims of the State of Exception from Bajo Lempa, on their second visit to the Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office seeking the institution’s prompt and effective mediation.

A member of this community was arrested under the state of exception in April 2022. The Specialized Court of Instruction ordered his release in September, and ordered alternatives to pre-trial detention. However, the prison authorities have not complied with this measure and have not yet released him. 

«For those who say that there are no complaints about the state of exception, here there are 43 complaints only from El Bajo Lempa of people who have been accused and arbitrarily detained and have had no response from the authorities», mentions Abraham Abrego, director of strategic litigation, referring to the interview where the presidential human rights commissioner categorically denies the existenece of complaints or mistreatment under the state of exception. «Re-arrests upon leaving the prisons are a common practice, as evidenced by the recent Cristosal report».