Impact Report 2022

Human rights work is about hope. Human rights are a radical vision of a more just and peaceful world that has not yet been, but toward which generations have struggled. The challenge of producing annual reports in the human rights field is that we are unable to produce historic change in yearly program cycles. As we present this year’s report, we see evidence of change in the persistence of individuals and communities, in the small ways their hope chips away at the heavy legacy of the past.

In human rights work we often find ourselves in a critical position, denouncing, shining a light on, and confronting realities that, in the words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “shock the conscience” of humanity. Because of our advocacy around these issues, human rights defenders are easily labeled pessimists in our assessments. It is not, however, a negative world view that sustains the human rights movement, rather it is an undeterrable restlessness about the world that ought to be.

At Cristosal, we have the privilege of working side by side with displaced people whose lives have been turned upside down and remade one small step at time. We catch the spirit of resilience and resistance every time we interact with the victims, survivors, and communities that suered through horrific massacres in the Salvadoran civil war. We learn amazing things from the people who participate in our education programs with victims, community leaders and human rights defenders in Central America and the world. Our research teams are closely connected to the victims who share their stories and place their trust in us.

In this report, and in our regular communications with you, our supporters, and friends, we want to keep sharing the stories that give us hope. You are a part of those stories even when you aren’t with us every day in our work. Your support and encouragement are essential to this work. Our team of dedicated human rights defenders are not about to give up the fight, so thank you for believing in us and in a world where every person counts and where justice and
peace are possible.

In gratitude and solidarity,

Noah Bullock, Executive Director.

Read our Impact Report 2022 here: