The Rev. Geoffrey Curtiss

Board Member


Retired Episcopal Priest, Diocese of Newark
Hoboken, NJ, USA


Geoff spent over thirty years reinvigorating the Episcopal Church in Hoboken NJ. During that time he organized six faith communities to begin a shelter for the homeless which grew into a 24/7 full-service agency. He started an Episcopal Day School for young upwardly mobile families who sought to remain in Hoboken to educate their children. He was a founding member of the Interfaith Community Organization which won a $500 million dollar settlement with Honeywell to clean up contaminated land. Through his community organizing work the Jubilee Center, on the west side of town, was created to serve 100 children in public housing with after-school and summer camp programs. Foundational to his ministry was the training by the Industrial Areas Foundation in community organizing and the Urban Theology Unit in contextual theology and praxis. Both enabled him to build a new Christian community from the relationships formed in the community and on the streets.