Tatiana Obando

Board Member


Houston, TX

Tatiana Obando is an attorney licensed in the United States and Nicaragua. She has a master’s degree in International Human Rights and dedicates herself to furthering the understanding and protection of human rights across the borders. She is originally from Nicaragua with family in El Salvador. Tatiana grew up surrounded by refugees and stories of war survivors from El Salvador and Nicaragua. These stories touched her and moved her to work to protect human rights and to believe in transitional justice.

Tatiana lives in Houston, TX with her two children and their dog. They enjoy outdoor activities, camping, hiking, reading, and cooking.

Tatiana Obando is an attorney licensed in the United States and Nicaragua. She has a master’s degree in International Human Rights and dedicates herself to furthering the understanding and protection of human rights across the borders. She is originally from Nicaragua with family in El Salvador. Tatiana grew up surrounded by refugees and stories of war survivors from El Salvador and Nicaragua. These stories touched her and moved her to work to protect human rights and to believe in transitional justice.
Tatiana lives in Houston, TX with her two children and their dog. They enjoy outdoor activities, camping, hiking, reading, and cooking.