Roger Jones



Former Head of Middle School, Bancroft School. Retired.

Flourtown, MA, USA

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Undergraduate School, Roger became a CPA and worked in the Audit Department of Price Waterhouse in the Philadelphia and San Francisco offices for six years. In 1988, Roger started a teaching career at Chestnut Hill Academy (Springside Chestnut Hill Academy) where he taught and administered for twelve years in middle school. In 2001, Roger became the Head of Middle School at Bancroft School in Worcester, Mass, where he served for twelve years.  More recently, Roger taught math in the Upper School at AIM Academy in Philadelphia. Roger served on the vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Chestnut Hill, PA where he was the Accounting Warden, and also on the vestry of St. Francis Episcopal Church, Holden, MA.  Roger also serves on the board of the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the board of Episcopal Community Services in Philadelphia.